Gower Middle School offers a wide variety of club activities throughout the school year during and after the regular school day. Below is a listing of available activities and information about each activity. Please be aware that at times activities may have an overlapping commitment.
Art Club
Art Club participants will create seasonal crafts, drawings, and paintings. The Art Club is made of students and participation is on a first come first serve basis. A $15.00 fee is collected to cover the cost of supplies.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
October – April
Meeting time:
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. (weekly throughout the school year)
Gower Bands
Gower Bands are designed to give students an in-depth, hands-on experience on a variety of band instruments. It involves students in a performance-based method of learning, as well as a balanced program of music performance. A schedule of performances over the course of the school year provides culmination for various types of instruction.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
Band rehearsals are during study hall 2 to 5 days a week.
Night and Saturday performances are required.
- Cadet Band is designed for students in grades five and six. This group provides a second level of training and instruction that follows Beginner Band. Development of ensemble skills is done in two weekly full band rehearsals. Ensemble skills, rhythm instruction, and full band literature are the main focus of rehearsal time. The Cadet Band performs at the Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May. Development of individual skills is emphasized with the students’ preparation of their first solo.
- Concert Band is designed for students in grades seven and eight, but may also include selected students from grade six who have demonstrated a high level of skill development. Instruction is tied directly to a schedule of performances throughout the school year. A balanced repertoire of performance experiences includes preparation for Marching Band, Concert Band festivals, Winter and Spring concerts, graduation exercises, and solo contest performance.
- Extension Groups in the band program allow the student opportunities to explore additional and secondary areas of interest for further enrichment and enjoyment in the art of music. Extension groups include Jazz Band, Junior Jazz Band, Flag Line, Drum Line (1st semester) and Percussion Ensemble (2nd semester).
Chorus encourages students to develop their singing skills and provide performance activities. Chorus is open to all students of varying ability levels.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
September – May
Meeting time:
Scheduled by sponsor/teacher after school (generally once per week), plus performances
Cooking Club
Cooking Club is for students that will enjoy the opportunity and experience of cooking. Students will spend most of their time creating snacks during club time. Participants will learn about measuring techniques, the proper use of cooking terminology, and the use of cooking equipment. Students will be able to explore recipes and learn how nutritious snacks can improve overall health.
Grade level:
7, 8
Length of activity:
October –April
Meeting time:
1 day a week after school
Dance Line
Dance Line provides students with the opportunity to express themselves through the various forms of dance. Members will participate in various performances. Students will also experience choreographing and leading small groups to a finished product.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
September – May
Meeting time:
Varies – there will be Lunch/Study Hall practices, as well as before and after school.
Drama Club/Readers’ Theater
Drama Club students will participate in various activities to sharpen their auditioning and acting skills including, but not limited to: improvisational games, work with timbre and tone of voice, trust activities, short ‘cold’ readings from scripts, audition tips, evaluation of play and musical structure. Drama Club may potentially culminate with an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and talents. This could be done with a short play, a variety/talent show, or a small parent gathering.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
October – December
Meeting time:
Once a week
* If there is a large amount of interest, Drama Club may meet two days-per-week, splitting students in order to reduce the number of students in a session, but assuring that all who are interested can attend.
Environmental Club
Environmental Club offers activities that enable students to become informed as to how they can help and improve their school environment. With the actions of recycling paper, cardboard, plastics, aluminum, and gym shoes, they become aware that acting locally their actions have an impact globally. Club members participate in the collection of recyclable materials on Fridays and act as volunteers in the lunchroom overseeing all facets of the recycling process.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
Once a week before, during or after school
Flag Line
Flag Line is an extension of the band program. All members of the Gower Flag Line Team must be regular band members and remain active band members to retain Flag Line status. Nine members of the school band are chosen to perform flag routines at the Hinsdale South Homecoming Festivities and the Gower Winter Concert. Performances are also conducted at the fall and winter pep assemblies. Students who are chosen for the Flag Line Team are expected to enroll and participate in the summer school course. Students are expected to spend time individually practicing for Team performances.
Grade Level:
7, 8 and must be a member of the school band
Length of activity:
May – December
Meeting time:
Summer School and Study Hall/Lunch practices
Garden Club
Garden Club is a club for students that love plants and the outdoors. The participants plan garden beds for the two courtyards. The students weed, plant, transplant and design planting beds. The Garden Club has existed as a club for 2 years and in that time, the participants have started to amend the soil, to bring in new plants and to dream of new garden beds and new arrangements.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Seasonal
GowerPRIDE participants either identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning OR love someone, like a parent, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, or a friend who identifies as LGBTQ and are looking for a sense of community or someone to talk to.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
TBD (1x-2x monthly throughout the school year)
Geography Club
Geography club stresses getting to know the geography, economies, and politics of our global world. The Club studies “The National Geographic” website, plays geography games, and reads books and magazines relating to the world. Students are encouraged to watch educational television and read newspapers. Students prepare and have the opportunity to participate in the Geography Bee held in January of each year.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
September – March
Meeting time:
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. one day a week
Spirit Club
Spirit Club provides the opportunity for Gower Middle School students to show spirit. This club plans activities for the student body to attend and runs the school spirit store in its efforts to keep school spirit high during the year.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. – once every other week
Spring Musical
Spring Musical participants are able to showcase their thespian talents. Auditions are held in January. Cast members have three months to learn the script, songs, and choreography. The performance is a collaborative effort between the cast members and the Gower Chorus. The musical is presented the last Thursday and Friday in April.
Grade Level:
Length of activity:
February – April
Meeting time:
Varies – there will be Lunch/Study Hall, and before and after school rehearsals.
Student Council
Student Council consists of students who are elected by their first period classes to enhance the school and community through leadership, scholarship, citizenship and fun. The Student Council has four elected officers and a team of appointed committee chairs who form the Leadership Team.
Grade Level:
5, 6, 7, 8
Length of activity:
All Year
Meeting time:
Thursday mornings before school